
Your partner in Northern Europe for innovative laboratory instruments

Particle size, powders

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Determination of particle size using static light scattering
The particle size distribution as a parameter to specify a powder or dispersion plays a central role in many applications. Examples are construction material (sands, cements), lime stones, ceramics, colored pigments, fertilizers, emulsions and may more. 


Bettersize S3 for particle size analysis in the range 0.01 – 3500 µm
With its unique and innovative design, the Bettersize S3 combines the measurement methods of static light scattering and dynamic image analysis for measuring particle size from the nanometer to the millimeter range.

3P Bettersize S3 Plus particle size and shape analyzer
Date of creation: 
24 March 2021
Library code: 
3P Bettersize 2600 particle size analyzer
Date of creation: 
24 February 2022
Library code: 
3P Bettersize ST particle size analyzer
Date of creation: 
24 March 2021
Library code: 
3P Instruments Bettersize catalog
Date of creation: 
11 June 2021
Library code: